Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wake up, have sex, have coffee, something's wrong

I am not a fan of morning sex. I think it's great that people have it, but somewhere I turned into a crochety, go-for-comfort kind of fuck. While I'm a morning person, I like getting to the euphemism, and off for a smoke and a cuppa before anything really gets going. Like some people who don't talk before they read the news.

I'm happy to talk, but it's mostly about needing more coffee.

Last night the kidlet invited me to meet his dad. He's already asked me to marry his dad. (His dad is the divorced husband of PE, DJ is stepdad.) For the record, the Otherh and I are already married. It's nice that the kidlet likes me that much, and is trying to fit me/us into his universe, which is pretty concrete. Not a lot of room for abstract. Kidlet's a high-functioning Autistic, so he's even more literal than any other 9year old. (almost 9.) All of us are trying to verbalize to kidlet that we're very close and are yet normal.

I think we expected less normal in our lives. But we kiss each other good morning and good night, have bustley mornings getting everyone out the door in time to get to work and school, with lunches, and eat dinner at the same time. It's by far the most normal the Otherh and I have ever experienced. I think I love it.

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